Welcome to the central hub of the Curriculum Work Group! Below you will find notes from our meetings, shared resources, and any work that we've done together. We will meet on the fourth Thursday of each month from 9am-11am. You can access the meeting here.
Group Agreements
These are the norms we agreed on together during our meeting on January 26, 2022. These will be regularly reviewed and updated as appropriate.
- Be respectful
- Practice active listening
- Create space to share ideas, concepts, structures
- Remember that more minds = more experience = better presentations
- Assume best intentions
- Honor each other's capacity
- Embrace the raggedy
Notes from Previous Meetings
- Introductory Meeting 12/15/2021
- Establishing Group Norms and Shared Values 1/26/2022
- Notes from 2/23/2022
- Notes from 3/23/2022
- Notes from 4/27/2022
- Notes from 6/9/2022
Shared Documents
As we work together, we are going to be creating a handful of shared resources. These are intended to be living, breathing documents that folks can add to we work through our time together.
- Document for feedback on existing prevention curricula
- Document breaking down shared values in sexual violence prevention education
- Mission Statement Brainstorming
- JamBoard of Shared Values
- Nine Principles of Effective Prevention Activity
- SASC Prevention Education Approaches
- Resources from Other Coalitions/Community Partners
- Prevention Objectives and Outcomes
- Template for Curriculum Tools
- Primary Prevention 101 (A grounding document)
Looking for the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault? Head to mecasa.org. |